Monday, December 8, 2014

Oops... where did that week go?

Here are some of the excuses I've used to not run in the last week:

1. "I have a paper due this week, I don't think I have time right now."

2. "I really want to do 5 miles today, but it's probably going to get dark before I'm done, so maybe I'll just do it tomorrow."

3. "I should eat something first so that I don't bonk. " (a few minutes later) "Oops... now I'm really full. Now I must wait." (subsequently never gets back to it). 

4. "I feel generally depressed, I don't feel like getting out of bed"

5. "I'm feeling generally anxious, I don't feel like using my nervous energy in a constructive way. Instead I will let it paralyze me." 

6. "Well... Monday is a rest day on my training schedule, so I should stick to that." (note: this normally doesn't matter, unless you haven't run any of the preceding days, or don't sincerely plan on running any of the following days). 

7. "Today is going to be rough at work, I should sleep in instead of tiring myself out even more."

8. "It's ok, I'll just add more mileage to my weekend runs."

You get the point. I've been feeling lousy, and although running usually makes me feel better, I've been fighting it. I'm still not really sure why.

I always sleep better after my running days. I always feel more focused and energized at work and at home after a good workout effort. It's always so satisfying to log my workout into my MapMyFitness log.

I'm pretty frustrated with last week's version of myself. I feel so much better after 3 miles at the gym this morning (and then slightly worse after trying to do squats sans Smith cage for the first time in about 10 months).

Today was good. I hope I remember how good this feels when I'm thinking about pushing my snooze button tomorrow morning.

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