Sunday, November 23, 2014

My favorite things (fuel)

Before a long-ish workout, I definitely need to eat.... something. If I'm running first thing in the morning, I try to eat something easy to digest and that I can absorb quickly. One easy source for that I have on hand are Honey Stinger Waffles. The vanilla and gingerbread flavors are DELICIOUS. Like... dangerously delicious. As in I want to snack on them all the time. Delicious.

During my long workouts, I try to use gels about every 4 miles. After a lot of experimentation, this seems to be my sweet spot for preventing epic bonks. Some of my favorites include Salted Caramel Gu and Banana Hammer Gel. Unlike Hammer brand gels, most Gu gels contain caffeine. Sometimes I want caffeine, sometimes not. I like having both options just in case.

I'm recovering with strawberry whey protein after my weight workouts or speed/medium distance workouts. I'm not trying to bulk up, so I just mix one scoop (about 170 calories) with water to have after my workout.

After my long runs, I want to make sure that I'm replacing carbs as well as protein. For that I use Hammer Recoverite. I use single packets after runs longer than about 14 miles. I would probably use them more often if they were a little less expensive, but it is worth it once every week or so.

In general, this plan is working pretty well. I usually feel like I have enough juice to get me through my workout, and I'm usually not hurting so bad the next day. 

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