Saturday, August 29, 2015

Well that didn't go according to plan....

Well today was supposed to be my first long run of my "let's dive back into marathon training" schedule. My mid-week runs went better than I had expected, and I decided that today I was going to do a long run of 10 miles.

Here are the reasons that I thought I could do it
1. I knew I needed to take it slower. I wasn't going to run hard, I had just planned to keep going.
2. I've been taking better care of my nutrition and my hydration. I've had a lot of water to drink all week, dehydration was not going to be a problem.
3. I've run 2 marathons! 10 miles is no problem, right?

Here are the reasons that I think this didn't work, and my run stopped at 7.52 miles.
1. No breakfast. run on an empty stomach I said. I will burn more body fat I said. I'll at least bring a gel next time.
2. I wasn't as prepared as I thought I was. While I think that I have retained some of the fitness from my previous marathons, I think that I have more to rebuild than I had previously thought.
3. I need to do more stretching, strengthening, and take care of my nutrition better between runs. I think I need to do more to set myself up for a successful long run by preparing in advance.
4. I decided to forgo my rest day, and spend 30 minutes on the elliptical. I think my legs might have been a little too tired.

Oh well. Better luck next week. Time to restock my gel supply, and to get my hands on some yummy Nuun tabs :)

I went ahead and laid out my training plan up until the marathon. In general, here is the formula that I'm going with -
M- Cross train (walking, cycling, or elliptical).
T - 3 mile run, speedier than my other runs.
W - 6 miles.
Th - 3 miles.
F - Rest
Sa - Long run (peak at 18 miles)
Su - 3 miles.

I want to add a run on Sunday after my long runs so that I can get used to running on tired legs. I know that ideally, I should be peaking my long runs at 20 or 22 miles, but after today I feel like this would be a more reasonable goal to aspire to.

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